Sunday, October 26, 2008


Celestial Perspectives

Oddities, observations & opinionsBy Herb Kandel

Prior to Jay Leno hosting The Tonight Show there was Johnny Carson and Jack Paar. This format originated in 1953 by Steve Allen. Allen wrote over 50 books and composed more than 6000 songs. Even with this vast body of work he considered his best a series he wrote for PBS from 1977-1981 titled Meeting of Minds. It was a roundtable discussion with Allen talking to four legendary guests from history. Dialog was from their writing or quotes which were germane to the discussion topic, or was inferred from their individual history. Utilizing this format we too can look in and eavesdrop on our own roundtable, as we have done in the past.

We hover above the celestial caucus where we listen in on the spirited conversation of the participants utilizing their diverse backgrounds, knowledge, intellect, and experience from their times to critique and conjecture as they exchange ideas on contemporary issues.

The four ponder the presidential campaign. Seated are: Jackie Robinson, major league baseball player; Napoleon Bonaparte, French Emperor, Andrew Jackson, seventh President of the United States, and Scarlett O‘Hara (Hamilton Kennedy Butler), Southern belle.

Jackson: I have to give that John McCain credit for living through those years as a POW. I know how he felt.
Robinson: What do you mean?
Jackson: See this scar on my forehead and left hand? When I was 13 my older brother Robert and I fought in the Revolutionary War and were captured by the British. While prisoners we were ordered to clean the boots of a British officer. I refused. The officer drew his sword and slashed me as I raised my hand in defense. Robert refused also and was sent flying across the room from the officer’s wallop. We both contracted smallpox there and Robert died, he was 15. My other brother, Hugh, also a soldier, died two years before, he was 16. So I know how McCain feels about war it’s consequences.
Bonaparte: Oui! I too was a prisoner, twice. After I abdicated they sent me to the island of Elba to be “ruler” but this was merely a ploy to keep me from my supporters. Later I returned and waged another war that ended with my defeat Waterloo, only because we were outnumbered almost two to one. Then they exiled me to St. Helena.
Robinson: I almost became a prisoner of the U.S. Army. I was court-martialed for not moving to the back of a bus. I was just standing up for my dignity. The charges were dismissed but it left it’s mark. Later when I played for the Brooklyn Dodgers I had a preacher to help me not hamper me. We had a pitcher called Preacher Roe who had a 22-3 won-loss record in 1951. Too bad Obama had Reverend Wright and not Preacher Roe on his side (no relation to Roe V Wade). Say, Miss Scarlett, have you ever been imprisoned?
O‘Hara: No, indeed! But I did visit Mr. Butler when he was a prisoner. I wore a beautiful green velvet dress, newly made from drapes, to impress him. I do believe he saw through my guise. Perhaps I should have worn “traveling pants” like Hillary. Although they didn't seem to help her. Bless her heart.
Jackson: Do you think she was too ambitious?
O’Hara: Lordy, no! She just proved that strong women can achieve (having a husband who is a former president helped). We should be have equal rights along with compensation. I myself ran a lumber mill during reconstruction and still managed to be a lady. Sarah Palin has five children, is governor of a state, hunts, fishes, can put lip rouge on animals, and nevertheless seeks to be second in line to become President. I do declare it took a brave person to chose her as a running mate.
Bonaparte: When French law was based on my Code women could not make contracts or have bank accounts in their own name. They were dependents to be educated mainly in those areas to make them good wives in domestic skills and religious devotion.
O’Hara: Fiddle De Dee! You were just trying to get even because your wife Josephine cheated on you when you were off fighting that silly war in Italy. Anyway, you got married again. Same as John McCain and Andrew here.
Jackson: Yes, but I remarried my beloved Rachel. She thought her first husband obtained a divorce when we first married in 1791, however he had only asked for permission to file, and he sued on grounds of adultery. After the divorce was granted, we remarried in 1794. It was an honest mistake, but whispers of adultery and bigamy abounded, and neither of us was unfaithful. Many can attest that I was quick to take offense at, and ready to avenge, any slight to her.
Robinson: What a coincidence! My wife’s name is Rachel also, and Michelle Obama’s maiden name is Robinson. Both are woman of enormous accomplishments in education, profession, and whose husbands broke the color barrier in sports and politics. What do you think of the possibility of Michelle as First Lady?
Jackson: Our government is founded upon the intelligence of the people. I for one do not despair of the republic. I have great confidence in the virtue of the great majority of the people, and I cannot fear the result.
Bonaparte:One should never forbid what one lacks the power to prevent. Victory belongs to the most persevering but women are nothing but machines for producing children.
O’Hara: I’ll think about that tomorrow. After all, tomorrow is another day.


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